Misfortune or failure, for example in interpersonal relationships or at work, is often caused by violations of the most important rules of life, which Bert Hellinger calls "orders".
We do not, of course, intentionally violate these regulations. Rather, while doing so, we feel innocent and good.
If we know these Orders of Life, we can consciously integrate them into our daily routine and act according to them. This is the first step in a direction that turns our view and our posture into something positive and that enables us to live an easier and happier life.

Orders of Love
There is often a belief that "love" is free and unpredictable, "where love falls".
But also love follows orders. The Orders of Love exist independently of our wishes or fears and many of them we know and consciously follow. We know that if we violate them, our love suffers.
Other orders often remain hidden from us and we violate them. The consequence is often that our relationship fails.
Many of the hidden Orders of Love come to light through Original Hellinger® Family Constellation.

Orders of Success
We often distinguish between the areas of family, personal fulfilment and personal happiness in relationships on the one hand, and work and career on the other.
Both follow the same laws of success and failure, happiness and misfortune.
In the beginning, Family Constellation was mainly focused on personal relationships. Bert and Sophie Hellinger brought the basic Orders of Love to light. When they began to trace the laws of success and failure in work and profession, companies and organizations, they discovered that these follow the same orders.
The Orders in detail
Related literature.
Ordnungen der Liebe:
Überblick, wie die Liebe gelingt
Taschenbuch: 48 Seiten
Verlag: Hellinger Publications (14. Dezember 2010)
ISBN-13: 978-3000299773
zu bestellen bei amazon.de
Ordnungen des Erfolgs:
Erfolge im Leben und im Beruf
Taschenbuch: 136 Seiten
Verlag: Hellinger Publications
(5. Januar 2011)
ISBN-13: 978-3000293221
zu bestellen bei amazon.de