Our Mission

To show what makes families ill and prevents individuals from living a fulfilled life. Offering and conveying solutions.

Our Goals

To promote cooperation instead of opposition, in families, in companies, in society. To promote the positive development of the individual in the service of the development of the whole.

Our Vision

Healthy, harmonious, happy and successful families. Emotional well-being and health despite increased pressure to perform for oneself and the individual family members.

Our Practice

We convey the knowledge needed to initiate behavioral changes and show ways in which the solutions found can be integrated into daily practice to improve the quality of life in the long term.

The Hellinger® School is an adult education institution. Its trainings are recognized by the government in Germany as training and educational measures.

The Hellinger® School is committed to the content and findings of Hellinger sciencia®, the science of all our relationships, founded by Bert Hellinger. It conveys these in the form of seminars, lectures, workshops, congresses and counseling and guarantees the preservation of the quality and purity of Family Constellation in the sense and spirit of Bert and Sophie Hellinger.

Constellation work is one of the most efficient methods of holistic counseling and has been used for over 35 years, initially only for families, but now also frequently in companies and organizations, in health care, in the legal system and in the field of pedagogy and education.

The main mission of the Hellinger®schule is the comprehensive and well-founded training to become an Original Hellinger® Family Constellator (with or without diploma). Here, the students learn to conduct location analyses together with their clients, to work out questions, to apply constellations, meditations and exercises, and to plan the integration into everyday life, while observing ethical and legal principles. In a structured interplay between theory and practice, demonstrations, own practice and subsequent reflection, the students are prepared to become an effective and successful Original Hellinger® Family Constellator. Through further specialization the acquired knowledge can be applied in many different areas and topics. The Hellinger® schule works together with renowned institutions in Europe, South America and Asia.

In addition, the Hellinger® School offers one-day and several-day courses on general or specific topics. As with the training, in addition to the source herself, Sophie Hellinger, teachers from various countries, who have been trained by her and Bert Hellinger and who have been associated with the Hellinger®schule for many years, facilitate the seminars.